Dyfan and Esyllt Lewis
25 July 2022

Helo Dyfan Helo Esyllt

Dyfan and Esyllt Lewis

25 July 2022 | Minute read

When outlining our aims for this issue of Cynfas, we were eager to explore the importance of sustainability to Wales's past, present and future. By returning to the past's collections and using them creatively, we hoped to begin making sense of cultivating future sustainability. We wanted to see explorations of sustainability solutions that look beyond the individual, that provide space and opportunity for communal efforts, that centre collaboration and shared dreams.

Thank you very much to the contributors for answering the call, and we hope that this issue of Cynfas is a first step on the way.

The sound piece is a series of voice messages between siblings trying to deal with current realities of compounding workplace sustainability crises, the environment, and humanity's possible paths.


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