Golden Auntie
MORRIS, Cedric
© Estate of Cedric Morris. All Rights Reserved 2024/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Cedric Morris has painted his partner Arthur Lett-Haines in a suit and bowler hat walking through a strange, dreamlike city-scape. At the time the couple were living and working in Paris and Morris - who was born and grew up near Swansea - was experimenting with the latest developments in modern art.
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Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Item Number
NMW A 29294
MORRIS, Cedric
Date: 1923
Purchase - ass. of DWT, Knapping Fund, Silver Society (incl. Jean Thomas bequest), 20/12/2007
Purchased with support from The Derek Williams Trust and The Knapping Fund
(): h(cm) frame:67
(): h(cm)
(): w(cm) frame:83
(): w(cm)
Depth (cm): 3.2
Height (cm): 65
Width (cm): 81
oil on canvas
Techniques (fine art)
art dept - fine
Fine Art - painting
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