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- A. J. Wilkinson Ltd Royal Staffordshire Potteries
- Adams, Mac
- Aitchison, Craigie
- Ameneiro, Tony
- Anonymous
- Armitage, Kenneth
- Auerbach, Frank
- Ayres, Gillian
- Arnold, Tom
- Artizan E Hove
- Ascher
- Aylieff, Felicity
- Ayscough, Duncan
- Bacon, Francis
- Baines, Glyn
- Baldwin, Mervyn
- Banner, Fiona
- Banner, Fiona
- Barbey, Bruno
- Barker, Clive
- Bates, Trevor
- Beaton, Cecil
- Beauchamp, Paul
- Belcher, John
- Benjamin, Judy
- Berkemeier, Geraldine
- Bill, Simon
- Bjornsen, Maria
- Bjrdesigns
- Black, Matt
- Blake, Peter
- Bloch, Martin
- Bluhm, Norman
- Bomberg, David
- Bonington, Richard Parkes (After)
- Bonnor, John Houghton Maurice
- Bonnor, Rose Dempster
- Botticelli, Alessandro (And Workshop)
- Bowen, Euros
- Branco, Miguel Rio
- Brangwyn, Sir Frank William
- Bratby, John
- Bray, Betty
- Brewer, Paul
- British School, 20Th Century
- Brodie, Regis C.
- Brodzky, Horrace
- Brunsdon, John
- Buckley, Stephen
- Burns, Brendan Stuart
- Batterham, Richard
- Bell-Hughes, Terry
- Billingsley, William
- Binns, David
- Blandino, Betty
- Bohle, Thomas
- Bowen Clive
- Bowen Dylan
- Brain, E. A. Ltd (Foley)
- Bravi, Mirko
- Brett, Jackie
- Britton, Alison
- Brown, Abigail
- Brown, Barbara
- Buck, Steve
- Buick, Adam
- Bunting, Karen
- Burges, William
- Caiger-Smith, Alan
- Carter, Mike
- Caulfield, Patrick
- Cervenka, John
- Chamberlain, Brenda
- Christo
- Coburn, Alvin Langdon
- Cockrill, Maurice
- Cohan, Charles
- Common Culture
- Conway, Charles
- Conway, Charles / Thomas, T.H.
- Cook, Barrie
- Cooper, T.J.
- Cour, Glenys
- Coventry, Keith
- Cox, Richard
- Craig-Martin, Michael
- Cristall, Joshua
- Crowther, Michael
- Cundall, Charles E.
- Curneen, Claire
- Caiger-Smith, Alan
- Carroll, Simon
- Casanovas, Claudí
- Clarke, Norman Stuart
- Cliff, Clarice
- Cole & Son (Wallpapers) Ltd
- Conran, Sir Terence
- Cooper, Susie
- Coper, Hans
- Coriander Studios
- Creed, Martin
- Dalwood, Dexter
- Dane, John A
- Davidson, Bruce
- Davidson J, (See Also Hancock, John)
- Davie, Alan
- Davies, Richard
- Davies, Hanlyn
- Davies, Ogwyn
- Davies, Peter
- Davies, Tim
- Dawson, Rev. George
- Deigan, Tony
- Denny, Robyn
- Depoorter, Bieke
- Doig, Peter
- Donaldson, Anthony
- Draper, Patrick
- Duncan, Edward
- Dutch, 17Th Century
- Davies, Lowri
- Day, Lucienne
- Design Systems
- Design Systems, Cardiff
- Devlin, Stuart
- Dias, Natalia
- Doege, Brigitte
- Duckworth, Ruth
- Eaton, William
- Edwards, Sydenham T.
- Emin, Tracey
- Epstein, Jacob
- Evans, Bob
- Evans, Cerith Wyn
- Evans, John
- Evans, Merlyn Oliver
- Editions Alecto, London
- Editions Média, Switzerland
- Ekubia, Ndidi
- Ellis, B. G.
- Ewenny Pottery
- Farey, Cyril
- Farington, Joseph
- Fielding, Kelly
- Fielding, David
- Free, Tom
- Freeman, Dorothy
- Freeman, Michael
- Frith, William Powell
- Fusco, Paul
- Fairburn, John
- Freund, Elsa
- Frith, David
- Frith, Margaret
- Fritsch, Elizabeth
- Fulham Pottery Bailey & Co
- Fulham Pottery Ltd
- Gardner, Angela
- Gardner, Sally
- Garrard, George
- George, Christine
- Giacometti, Alberto
- Giardelli, Arthur
- Gibbs, Jacobo
- Gilbert, Sir Alfred
- Gilbert, Wally
- Gillray, James
- Ginsborg, Michael
- Goble, Anthony
- Godwin, Judith
- Goodchild, Tim
- Gravelot, H.F.B.
- Greaves, Derrick
- Green, Peter
- Gregory, Jennifer
- Groom, Jon
- Gayonnes Ltd
- Godfrey, Ian
- Gogna, Rajesh
- Grey, Kevin
- Hague, Anderson
- Hall, Edna Clarke
- Hallet, M
- Hamilton, Anthea
- Hancock, John
- Harding, J. D.
- Hardwick, W N
- Harries, Mags
- Heath, Diana
- Hedegaard, Peter
- Herman, Josef
- Hermes, Gertrude
- Heron, Patrick
- Hey, Cicely
- Hill, Paul
- Hiscott, Amber
- Hitchens, Ivon
- Hoare, Peter Richard
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
- Hobbs, Annie Giles
- Hodgkin, Howard
- Hodkinson, W. B.
- Holland, Harry
- Holloway, Edgar
- House, Gordon
- Howard-Jones, Ray
- Howell, Catrin
- Howlett, Steve
- Hoyland, John
- Hubbard, John
- Hudson, Tom
- Hugonin, James
- Hume, Gary
- Hunter, Robert
- Hurn, David
- Hanid, Miriam
- Hanna, Ashraf
- Heal Fabrics
- Hearn, Stewart
- Helios Ltd
- Henderson, Ewen
- Hiscott, Amber
- Hole Editions
- Howell, Catrin
- Howlett, Steve
- Humphrey, H
- Ireland, S.
- Irvin, Albert
- Isaac, Bert
- Iwanowski, Michal
- Jackson, Thomas Graham
- James, Shani Rhys
- Janes, Alfred
- Jenkins, Paul
- John, Augustus
- John, Gwen
- John, Sir William Goscombe
- John, Thomas
- Johnson, Nerys
- Jones, David
- Jones Griffiths, Philip
- Jones, Allen
- Jones, Bobi
- Jones, Colin
- Jones, David
- Jones, Frederick
- Jones, Glyn
- Jones, Jonah
- Jones, Thomas
- Jones, Wynn
- Joyce, Paul
- Jaray Tess
- Jenkins, Caitlin
- Johnson Banks
- Jones, Christine
- K2 Screen
- Kandinsky, Vasilii
- Kawemitsu, Matsumi
- Keetman, Peter
- Khanna, Indra
- Kidner, Michael
- Kinsela, Robyn
- Kirkall, E
- Kitaj, R.B.
- Knapp-Fisher, John
- Koppel, Heinz
- Kraguly, Radovan
- Krone, Julie
- Kane, Marion
- Keeler, Walter
- Kelpra Studio, London
- Kim, Jin Eui
- King & Mcgaw
- Lagana, Eliseo
- Leach-Jones, Alun
- Lewis, Edward Morland
- Lin Show Yu, Richard
- Linnell, John
- Linton, Sir James D.
- Lloyd, Chris
- Lloyd Jones, Mary
- Long, Richard
- Lowe, Ronald
- Lucas, Caroline B.
- Leach, Bernard
- Lee Turner
- Lerat, Jacqueline
- Macfarlane, John
- Mallard, Fanny
- Malthouse, Eric
- Manos, Constantine
- Marinot, Maurice
- Markey, Peter
- Marks, Margret (Grete)
- Marratti, Carlo
- Martin, Kenneth
- Masson, André
- Meiselas, Susan
- Mills, Hanae Uechi
- Miro, Joan
- Mistry, Dhruva
- Mitchell, Bernard
- Moon, A.G.TEnnant
- Moore, Jessi
- Moore, Leslie
- Moore, Raymond
- Morisot, Berthe
- Morris, Sarah
- Morris, William
- Morse Brown, Sam
- Mumford, Peter
- Murray, William Grant
- Machin, Arnold
- Madoura Pottery
- Makinson, Kathleen
- Marinot, Maurice
- Matsubayashi Yusuke
- Mccurry Steve
- Mcpherson Alexander
- Mcpherson, Alexander
- Michikawa Shōzō
- Midwinter Ltd, W.R.
- Midwinter, Eve
- Midwinter, Roy
- Midwinter, Roy And Lunt, William
- Mikeith Design
- Mr Wu's Big Ware Factory
- Nash, David
- Nicholson, Ben
- Nicol, Philip
- Nugent, E.R.
- Nantgarw China Works
- National Museum And Gallery, Cardiff
- National Museum Of Wales
- Nemeth, Susan
- Newell, Steven
- Nymølle
- Ofili, Chris
- Orr, Glenda
- Orton, Kathryn
- Packer, Sue
- Palmer, Samuel
- Paolozzi, Eduardo
- Pardoe, Thomas
- Parke, Trent
- Parry, John Orlando
- Parry, Maria
- Pasmore, Victor
- Pennell, James
- Petherick, John
- Petts, John
- Philipson, Robin, Sir
- Phillips, Tom
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pickles, Cherry
- Pinkhassov, Gueorgui
- Piper, John
- Pissarro, Camille
- Poole, George
- Pope, Nicholas
- Power, Mark
- Poynter, Sir Edward
- Prendergast, Peter
- Purdom, Alan
- Paupers Press
- Paupers Press, London
- Portmeirion Potteries Ltd
- Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore
- Pérez, Gustavo
- Queensberry, David (Marquis Of Queensberry)
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Rees, Dan
- Rego, Paula
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
- Reynolds, S.W.
- Rhodes, Zandra
- Richards, Eugene
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
- Richards, Frances
- Richardson-Jones, Keith
- Ricketts, Charles
- Riley, Bridget
- Roberts-Jones, Ivor
- Romanchak, Abigail
- Rowan, Eric
- Rowland, J. Caradoc
- Rowland, John Cambrian
- Ravensbourne
- Rawnsley, Pamela
- Reid, Colin
- Ridgway Potteries Ltd
- Rie, Lucie
- Rogers, Phil
- Rosenthal
- Royal Doulton Ltd
- Russell, John
- Ryan, Benjamin
- Schneidermann, Clémentine
- Scianna, Ferdinando
- Scott, William
- Scully, Sean
- Seawright, Paul
- Sedgman, Rachel
- See-Paynton, Colin
- Selway, John
- Setch, Terry
- Shapiro, Hermon
- Shaw, George
- Short, Richard
- Short, Sir Frank
- Shurrock, Christopher
- Sickert, Walter Richard
- Sinclair, Nicholas
- Sironi, Mario
- Slade, Roy
- Smith, Bob And Roberta
- Smith, Laura
- Snowdon Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Lord
- Solomon, Elenore
- Steele, Jeffrey
- Stenmanns, Britta
- Stennet, Michael
- Stephenson, J. Cecil
- Stephenson, Ian
- Stockdale, F.
- Stokes, Anthony
- Stubbs, Annena
- Sutherland, Graham
- Saba, Suleyman
- Seddon, John Pollard
- Seeney, Enid
- Senecio Press
- Simmons, Guy
- Splini, Antonia
- Stair, Julian
- Straub, Marianne
- Stuart & Sons Ltd
- Susie Cooper China Ltd
- Susie Cooper Pottery
- Suttie, Angus
- Tarr, James C.
- Tasker, Gwenn
- Thomas, Edgar Herbert
- Thomas, Thomas Henry
- Thompson, Gabriel
- Tilley, J
- Tilson, Joe
- Tinker, David
- Toynton, Norman
- Trivedy, Daniel
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William (After)
- Turrell, James
- Tyson, Ian
- Tait, Jessie
- Tetrad Press, London
- The Poetry Bookshop
- Thomas, Gwilym
- Tower, James
- Uglow, Euan
- Underwood, Leon
- Upritchard, Francis
- Unknown
- Uzzell Edwards Charley
- Vercoe, Rosemary
- Varney Keith
- Vasegaard, Gertrud
- Walters, Evan
- Walton, Andrew
- Ward, William
- Webb, Alex
- Whessell, John
- Whiteread, Rachel
- Williams, Christopher
- Williams, Glynn
- Williams, John Kyffin
- Williams, Penry
- Williams, Sue
- Willing, Victor
- Wilson, Mo
- Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Richard (After)
- Wood, Alan
- Woodford, David
- Woods, Clare
- Ward, John
- Wason, Jason
- Wedgwood, Josiah, And Sons Ltd
- Western Illinois Univeristy
- Wiinblad, Bjørn
- Wilhelm, Christiane
- Williams-Ellis, Susan
- Williamson, Alexander Hardie
- Wood & Sons, Ltd
- Woodman, Betty
- Woodman, Rachael
- Woodrow, Sophie
- Yarrow, Catherine
- Yasuda, Takeshi
- Yede, Takahiro
- Zivkovic, Slavica
- Zobole, Ernest
- Zahn, Helga
- De Waal, Edmund
- Plessis, Du H.E.
- Ten Hompel, Simone
- 3D Print
- Applied Art
- Applied Art Loan
- Archival Material
- Artist Ceramics
- Ceramics
- Chinese Porcelain
- Construction
- Continental Earthenware
- Craft
- Danish Pottery
- Design Drawing
- Drawing
- Earthenware
- East Asian Porcelain
- English Earthenware
- English Porcelain
- English Pottery
- English Stoneware
- Engraving
- Fine Art
- Fine Art Loan
- French Earthenware
- French Porcelain
- French Stoneware
- German Porcelain
- Glass
- Installation
- Japanese Pottery
- Jewellery
- Lustreware
- Metalwork
- New Media
- Non-Precious Metal
- Painting
- Photograph
- Porcelain
- Poster
- Prints
- Raku
- Relief
- Sculpture
- Silver/Precious Metal
- Sketchbook
- Spanish Pottery
- Stoneware
- Studio Ceramics
- Textile
- Tin-Glazed Earthenware
- Watercolour
- Welsh Earthenware
- Welsh Porcelain
- Works On Paper
Your search returned 2145 results.
Ekubia, Ndidi
Kane, Marion
Coper, Hans
Coper, Hans
Coper, Hans
Stuart & Sons Ltd
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Coper, Hans
Coper, Hans
Devlin, Stuart
, Michikawa Shōzō
Williams-Ellis, Susan
Portmeirion Potteries Ltd
© Williams-Ellis, Susan/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Wason, Jason
Page of 108