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- Abbe, Salomon Van
- Abdul, Lida
- Ackland, Judith
- Agar, Eileen
- Ahtila, Eija-Liisa
- Armfield, Diana
- Arnold, Eve
- Arthur, Olivia
- Ayres, Gillian
- Artizan E Hove
- Bacon, Francis
- Banner, Fiona
- Banner, Fiona
- Bar Am, Micha
- Bassett, Vera
- Baumgartner, Christiane
- Beitler, Lawrence
- Bell, Vanessa
- Benjamin, Judy
- Berkemeier, Geraldine
- Berry, Ian
- Bjornsen, Maria
- Bonnor, Rose Dempster
- Boreel, Wendela
- Bower, Ric
- Bowes, Zillah
- Bown, Jane
- Boyle, Mark And Hills, Joan
- Braby, Dorothea
- Brancher, Toril
- Bray, Betty
- Bray, H.W.
- Brett, Karen
- Brier, Edith Elizabeth (Married Name Scott Moore)
- Brown, Frances Louisa
- Brown, Dorothy Morse
- Brown, Frances Louisa
- Buckton, Eveleen
- Burton, Alice Mary
- Buttner, Andrea
- Barrett-Danes, Ruth
- Campbell, Nesta
- Cantor, Ellen
- Capa, Robert
- Carlin, Jocelyn
- Carpanini, Jane
- Carter Leahy, Carter-Leahy Georgina
- Chamberlain, Brenda
- Charlton, Felicity
- Chernysheva, Olga
- Chetwynd, Spartacus
- Church, Katherine
- Clarke, Gillian
- Clough, Prunella
- Collings, Margaret Robertson
- Conde, Jenny
- Cooper, T.J.
- Corbett, Lucy
- Cossellis, Jane
- Cosway, Marie
- Cour, Glenys
- Courtenay, Marianne
- Curneen, Claire
- Coriander Studios
- David, Barbara
- Davies, Margaret Sidney
- Davies, Paul
- De Middel, Cristina
- De Monchaux, Cathy
- Delaunay, Sonia
- Depoorter, Bieke
- Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball
- Downing, Edith
- Drake, Carolyn
- Dunbar, Evelyn Mary
- Dupierreux, Nina
- Edwards, Mary Stella
- Emin, Tracey
- Evans, Helena
- Ewenny Pottery
- Farjeon, Eleanor
- Fedden, Mary
- Fernandez, Mariusa
- Ferrato, Donna
- Finnemore, Peter
- Flemons, Lynne
- Fogarty, Julie
- Ford, Laura
- Freeman, Dorothy
- Freud, Lucian
- Frink, Elisabeth
- Frith, William Powell
- Frumi, Charlotta
- Galvin, Joseph
- Ganz, Valerie
- Gardner, Angela
- Gardner, Sally
- George, Christine
- Gesiye
- Giardelli, Bim
- Gibson, John
- Godwin, Judith
- Goncharova, Natalia
- Grainger, Esther
- Green, Harriet
- Green, Valentine
- Gregory, Jennifer
- Gruzdeva, Maria
- Hagarty, Mary S
- Hall, Kristina
- Hall, Edna Clarke
- Hallet, M
- Hamilton, Anthea
- Harvey, Gertrude
- Hay, Marilyn
- Heath, Diana
- Hepworth, Barbara
- Hermes, Gertrude
- Hine, Margaret
- Hiscott, Amber
- Hobbs, Annie Giles
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgson, Carole
- Holland, Harry
- Hopton, Georgie
- Hourahane, Shelagh
- Howard, Constance M.
- Howard-Jones, Ray
- Howell, Catrin
- Huntley, Katie
- Hurn, David
- Huws, Bethan
- Hawksley, Rozanne
- Haël-Werkstätten Für Künstlerische Keramik
- Ibbetson, Julius Caesar
- Iwanowski, Michal
- Jackson, Dilys
- James, Shani Rhys
- John, Augustus
- John, Gwen
- John, Rebecca
- John, Sir William Goscombe
- Johnson Soliz, Cecile
- Johnson, Nerys
- Jones Griffiths, Philip
- Jones, David
- Jones, Eliza
- Jones, Jonah
- Jenkins, Caitlin
- K2 Screen
- Karlowska, Stanislawa De
- Kessell, Mary
- Keyworth, Sophie
- Khanna, Indra
- Kilvington, Amelia
- Kinsela, Robyn
- Knight, Laura
- Krone, Julie
- Kubota, Hiroji
- Landen, Clive
- Lane, Richard James
- Lange, Dorothea
- Lawson, Phyllis
- Leighton, Clare
- Leighton, Lady
- Lion, Flora
- List, Herbert
- Lloyd Jones, Mary
- Lucas, Caroline B.
- Luxford, Elizabeth
- Macdonald, Frances
- Mallard, Fanny
- Marinot, Maurice
- Marks, Margret (Grete)
- Matthews, Doris
- Matthews, Sally
- Maybin, Edith
- Maynard, R.A.
- Meiselas, Susan
- Mercer, Kate
- Mills, Eleri
- Mills, Hanae Uechi
- Moody, Ronald Clive
- Moore, Jessi
- Moore, Mona
- Moore, Sally
- Morgan, Louisa
- Morisot, Berthe
- Morris, Sarah
- Morris, Cedric
- Morris, John Meirion
- Morris, Mali
- Mcbean, Angus
- Nasmyth, Charlotte
- Nicholson, Monique
- Nicholson, Phillida
- Norris Webb, Norris-Webb Rebecca
- Oliver, Laurie
- Opffner, Ivan
- Orr, Glenda
- Orton, Kathryn
- Osborn, Emily Mary
- Odundo, Magdalene
- Packer, Sue
- Paintsil, Anya
- Palmer, Hannah
- Panting, Arlie
- Parker, A. Miller
- Parker, Cornelia
- Parry, John Orlando
- Parry, Maria
- Parry, William
- Petts, John
- Pickles, Cherry
- Pinckers, Max
- Plachy, Sylvia
- Powys, Gertrude
- Pughe, Buddig Anwylini
- Paupers Press
- Preece Zoe
- Raverat, Gwendolen
- Rego, Paula
- Rhodes, Zandra
- Ribeira, Lua
- Rice, Bernard
- Richards, Eugene
- Richards, Frances
- Riley, Bridget
- Roberts, Julie
- Robertson, Carol
- Rodney, Donald Gladstone
- Romanchak, Abigail
- Roos, Eva
- Roos, William
- Rowlandson, Thomas (After)
- Saman, Moises
- Sands, Ethel
- Sanguinetti, Alessandra
- Schneidermann, Clémentine
- Schneidermann, Clémentine & James, Charlotte
- Sear, Helen
- Searle, Berni
- Sedgman, Rachel
- Sepuya, Paul Mpagi
- Sharp, Dorothea
- Shepherd, Luke
- Shrubb, Sandra
- Simpson, Jane
- Sinclair, Nicholas
- Smith, Laura
- Smith, Kiki
- Solomon, Elenore
- Spencer Pryse, Gerard
- Stanley, Lady Dorothy
- Steele Perkins, Steele-Perkins Chris
- Stenmanns, Britta
- Stow, M. F.
- Strondley, Gillian
- Stubbs, Annena
- Scott, Paul
- Suttie, Angus
- Tasker, Gwenn
- Taylor-Lind, Anastasia
- Thornton, Valerie
- Tiley, June
- Tocci, Chiara
- Tomkins, Flora
- Traherne, Charlotte Louisa
- Traherne, Margaret
- Treharne, Nick
- Turine, Gael
- Turner, Katharine
- The Poetry Bookshop
- Tsivin, Vladimir
- Vaughan, Keith
- Vink, John
- Vosper, Sydney Curnow
- Walker, Caroline
- Walker, Dame Ethel
- Whiteread, Rachel
- Wilding, Dorothy
- Williams, Claudia
- Williams, Evelyn
- Williams, Joan
- Williams, Lois
- Williams, Margaret Lindsay
- Williams, Penry
- Williams, Sue
- Wilson, Mo
- Wimperis, Ann Jane (Jenny)
- Woods, Clare
- Western Illinois Univeristy
- Yarrow, Catherine
- Zivkovic, Slavica
- Applied Art
- Applied Art Loan
- Archival Material
- Books
- Ceramics
- Construction
- Continental Earthenware
- Craft
- Design
- Drawing
- Earthenware
- Film/Video/Dvd
- Fine Art
- Fine Art Loan
- Furniture
- German Earthenware
- New Media
- Painting
- Pastel
- Photograph
- Porcelain
- Portrait Prints
- Prints
- Sculpture
- Sketchbook
- Studio Ceramics
- Textile
- Topographical Prints
- Watercolour
- Welsh Earthenware
- Works On Paper
Your search returned 2342 results.
© Nicola Howard-Jones/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Nicola Howard-Jones/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales