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- Holland, Harry
- Howard-Jones, Ray
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- Ince, Joseph Murray
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- Jones Griffiths, Philip
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- Lewis, Edward Morland
- Lowry, L.S
- Majoli, Alex
- Marinot, Maurice
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- Meadows, Daniel
- Merchant, Moelwyn
- Michals, Duane
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- Murray, William Grant
- Murtha, Tish
- Mccormick, Ron
- Orton, Kathryn
- Parr, Martin
- Pellegrin, Paolo
- Peress, Gilles
- Petley-Jones, Llewellyn
- Plachy, Sylvia
- Prendergast, Peter
- Prout, Samuel
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Raverat, Gwendolen
- Ray Jones, Ray-Jones Tony
- Riboud, Marc
- Richards, Eugene
- Richardson, (Snr.) T.M.
- Rodger, George
- Ross, Mary
- Rouault, Georges
- Rushbury, Henry
- Schneidermann, Clémentine
- Scianna, Ferdinando
- Sessini, Jerome
- Short, Denys
- Sickert, Walter Richard
- Sinnott, Kevin
- Smith, A.REginald
- Sochachewsky, Maurice
- Staddon, F.G T.G.
- Steele Perkins, Steele-Perkins Chris
- Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre
- Stokes, Anthony
- Stuart, Matt
- Sunderland, Thomas
- Suschitzky, Wolfgang
- Salvo Print
- T. Alwyn Lloyd & Gordon
- Thomas, John
- Thompson, Gabriel
- Utrillo, Maurice
- Vink, John
- Wade, A. E.
- Weemys, F
- Whistler, James Abbot Mcneill
- Williams, Edward
- Williams, H.W
- Williams, Terrick
- Wilson, Richard
- Wylie, Donovan
- Zobole, Ernest
- Ll'ÉOile Filante, Paris
Your search returned 262 results.
T. Alwyn Lloyd & Gordon
© F Weemys/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
ROUAULT, Georges
lL'Éoile Filante, Paris
Aulard, Paris
© ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 224/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BRANGWYN, Sir Frank William
© artist's estate. All Rights Reserved 2025/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BRANGWYN, Sir Frank William
© artist's estate. All Rights Reserved 2025/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
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