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- Baynes, J. (After)
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- Bonington, Richard Parkes (After)
- Boudin, Louis Eugène
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- Boydell, John
- Chamberlain, Brenda
- Chang, Chien-Chi
- Claude Gellée, Le Lorrain
- Cleave, Eric
- Dent, R. Stanley
- Duncan, Edward
- Earlom, R
- Edwards, Pryce Carter
- Evans, Geoffrey
- Flint, Sir William Russell
- Gandon, J.
- Gastineau, Henry
- Gaumy, Jean
- Goodwin, Albert
- Gwynne-Jones, Allan
- Haden, Francis Seymour, Sir
- Harding, J. D.
- Hayes, Edwin
- Henson, Robert
- Herman, Josef
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
- Howard-Jones, Ray
- Hughes, Hugh
- Hurn, David
- Ibbetson, Julius Caesar
- Illingworth
- Ince, Joseph Murray
- Ireland, S.
- John, Augustus
- Jones, Calvert 'RIchard The Rev'
- Legros, Alphonse
- Lowry, L.S
- Malthouse, Eric
- Merchant, Moelwyn
- Moore, Henry
- Morgan, Llew. E.
- Mcbean, Angus
- Nash, John Northcote
- Payne, W.
- Petherick, John
- Pillement, Jean Baptiste
- Place, Francis
- Prout, Samuel
- Roberts, David
- Rowbotham, Thomas Leeson
- Sandby, Paul
- Selwyn, William
- Sherlock, W.P.
- Short, Sir Frank
- Stennet, Michael
- Strondley, Gillian
- Sunderland, Thomas
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William (After)
- Wheatley, Francis
- Williams, Penry
- Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Richard (After)
Your search returned 75 results.
© Brenda Chamberlain/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales/Reuven Jasser
CHANG, Chien-Chi
© Chien-Chi Chang / Magnum Photos / Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
FLINT, Sir William Russell
© Sir William Russell Flint/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
WILSON, Richard (after)
© Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
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