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- Ince, Joseph Murray
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- Jones Griffiths, Philip
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- Lintott, Edward Barnard
- Marinot, Maurice
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- Morgan, Llew. E.
- Manchester Dailymail
- Nash, Paul
- Owen, Rev. John
- Parry, John Orlando
- Pinkhassov, Gueorgui
- Raverat, Gwendolen
- Ravilious, Eric
- Reas, Paul
- Reddick, Peter
- Ribeira, Lua
- Shepherd, Rupert
- Stephenson, Ian
- Stuart, Matt
- Sutherland, Graham
- Toms, William Henry
- Trevelyan, Julian
- Uglow, Euan
- Unknown
- Wade, A. E.
- Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Richard (After)
- Du Maurier, G.L.P.B.
Your search returned 152 results.
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
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