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- John Emslie & Sons
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- Lenica, Jan (After)
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- Mcpherson Alexander
- Mcpherson, Alexander
- Nash, David
- Nicholls, Thomas
- National Museum Of Wales
- Parry, John Orlando
- Petts, John
- Piper, John
- Poynter, Sir Edward
- Preece Zoe
- Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
- Ricketts, Charles
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- Rowland Clark, C.R.
- Ryan, Benjamin
- Shurrock, Christopher
- Stennet, Michael
- Stevens, Harold
- Stubbs, Annena
- Sutherland, Graham
- Tarr, James C.
- Thomas, Thomas Henry
- Unknown
- Vercoe, Rosemary
- W.W.SPrague & Co.
- Walton, Andrew
- Ward, John
- Welsh Arts Council
- Zobole, Ernest
Your search returned 304 results.
TARR, James C.
JOHN, Thomas
© Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
TARR, James C.
© Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Cole & Son (Wallpapers) Ltd
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BRITISH SCHOOL, 20th Century
© BRITISH SCHOOL, 20th Century/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BRITISH SCHOOL, 20th Century
© BRITISH SCHOOL, 20th Century/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
RICHARDS, Ceri Giraldus
© Estate of Ceri Richards. All Rights Reserved. DACS 2025/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
TARR, James C.
TARR, James C.
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