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- Davies, Margaret Sidney
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- Geng Xue
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- Hardwicke Price, J
- Harper, Edward
- Harris, Albert Edward
- Harris, George Frederick
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- Hayward, Alfred Robert
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- Hermes, Gertrude
- Hey, Cicely
- Hine, Henry G.
- Hitchens, Ivon
- Hoare, Peter Richard
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
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- Holloway, Edgar
- Howard-Jones, Ray
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- Hughes, Olwen
- Hunt, Alfred William
- Hurn, David
- Hole Editions
- Ince, Joseph Murray
- Ireland, S.
- Isaac, Bert
- Iwanowski, Michal
- Jackson, Thomas Graham
- Jackson, S.F.
- Jackson, Samuel
- Jarman, H.T.
- John, Augustus
- John, E.
- John, Gwen
- Jones, David
- Jones, George
- Jones, Glyn
- Jones, Thomas
- Joyce, Paul
- Keetman, Peter
- Kennedy, Cedric
- Kenyon, E
- Kerr, F.J.
- Laporte, J
- Lecker, E
- Legros, Alphonse
- Lindsay, Thomas
- Lines, Samuel Restell
- Linnell, John
- Lloyd Jones, Mary
- Locker, E.H.
- Lowe, Ronald
- Luxford, Elizabeth
- Lee Turner
- Mackley, George
- Makinson, Trevor O.
- Mansel-Lewis, C.W.
- Marinot, Maurice
- Marks, Claude
- Matthews, Doris
- Maynard, R.A.
- Mcfarland, Lawrence
- Minton, John
- Mitchell, Bernard
- Monro, Dr Thomas
- Moore, Leslie
- Murray, William Grant
- Mcbean, Angus
- Müller, William James
- Nash, David
- Nash, Paul
- Nicholson, Francis
- Nicol, Philip
- Norris, Charles
- Nymølle
- Orr, Glenda
- Orton, Kathryn
- Owen, Isambard
- Palmer, Samuel
- Parry, John Orlando
- Payne, W.
- Penley, Aaron
- Pepper, Raphael
- Perry, Mike
- Petherick, John
- Petts, John
- Pickles, Cherry
- Piper, John
- Pissarro, Camille
- Pissarro, Lucien
- Powell, J
- Poynter, Sir Edward
- Prendergast, Peter
- Price, James
- Pritchard, Arthur
- Prout, Samuel
- Prytherch, T.
- Pardoe, Thomas
- Rai, Raghu
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Raverat, Gwendolen
- Ravilious, Eric
- Reddick, Peter
- Rembrandt, Harmensz Van Rijn
- Rich, Alfred W.
- Rigaud, Stephen
- Rooker, Michael Angelo
- Rouault, Georges
- Rousseau, Theodore
- Ruskin, John
- Sandby, Paul
- Scott, William
- Sear, Helen
- See-Paynton, Colin
- Shaw, George
- Sheppard, Herbert Charles
- Sherlock, W.P.
- Short, Sir Frank
- Skelton, John
- Smith, John "Warwick"
- Smith, L.R
- Spackman, Cyril Saunders
- Steegman, John
- Steele Perkins, Steele-Perkins Chris
- Stow, M. F.
- Strang, Ian
- Sunderland, Thomas
- Sutherland, Graham
- Sutherland, T.
- Shaw, George 'GEneral Zoology'
- Talbot Fox, Henry
- Tarr, James C.
- Thompson, Gabriel
- Thompson, George
- Tudor, Thomas
- Turner, Of Oxford William
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William (After)
- Turton, W
- Unknown
- Varley, John
- Varley, John (Attributed To)
- Vincent, George
- Vink, John
- Waite, Charlie
- Walters, Evan
- Webber, John
- Wells, W.F.
- Whessell, John
- Wilkins, William Powell
- Williams, Christopher
- Williams, Hugh `GRecian'
- Williams, John Kyffin
- Williams, Penry
- Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Richard (After)
- Wilson, W.C.
- Wood, J
- Wood, John
- Wright, Thomas
- Wynter, Bryan
- Wiinblad, Bjørn
- Williamson, Alexander Hardie
- Woollett, W. & Ellis, W.
- Zobole, Ernest
- Ll'ÉOile Filante, Paris
- Applied Art
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Your search returned 557 results.
Brett, Jackie
© Estate of John Minton. All Rights Reserved 2024/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BRANGWYN, Sir Frank William
© Estate of Sir Frank William Brangwyn. All Rights Reserved 2024/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
BLOCH, Martin
© Martin Bloch Trust/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
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