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- Jones, David
- Jones, Garth
- Kennington, Eric Henri
- Koudelka, Josef
- Marinot, Maurice
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- Paupers Press
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Ray Jones, Ray-Jones Tony
- Rego, Paula
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
- Ribeira, Lua
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
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- Rowland, John Cambrian
- Sandys, Frederick
- Schneidermann, Clémentine
- Schneidermann, Clémentine & James, Charlotte
- Selway, John
- Sickert, Walter Richard
- Smith, Kiki
- Steele Perkins, Steele-Perkins Chris
- Sutherland, Graham
- Thomas, Thomas Henry
- Uzzell-Edwards, John
- Unknown
- Van Agtmael, Peter
- Walters, Evan
- Whistler, James Abbot Mcneill
- Williams, Penry
- Du Maurier, G.L.P.B.
Your search returned 273 results.
JONES, David
© Estate of David Jones. All Rights Reserved 2025/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
JONES, David
© Estate of David Jones. All Rights Reserved 2025/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
JOHN, Augustus
© Estate of Augustus John. All Rights Reserved 2025/Bridgeman Images/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
MORGAN, Llew. E.
MORGAN, Llew. E.