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- British School, 20Th Century
- Brodzky, Horrace
- Bruguera, Tania
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- Burns, Brendan Stuart
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- Chamberlain, Brenda
- Chan, Gaye
- Cockrill, Maurice
- Cohen, Harold
- Colquhoun, Robert
- Cook, Barrie
- Cour, Glenys
- Coventry, Keith
- Cox, Richard
- Craig-Martin, Michael
- Crowther, Michael
- Casanovas, Claudí
- Coper, Hans
- Davie, Alan
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- Davies, Hanlyn
- Davies, Ivor
- Deacon, Richard
- Delaunay, Sonia
- Denny, Robyn
- Donaldson, Anthony
- Draper, Ken
- Dupierreux, Nina
- Denny, Sarah
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- Elias, Ken
- English, Simon
- Evans, Bob
- Evans, Cerith Wyn
- Evans, Garth
- Evans, Merlyn Oliver
- Edition Hoffman, Germany
- Editions Alecto
- Editions Média, Switzerland
- Feiler, Paul
- Ford, Laura
- Freeman, Michael
- Fausta Squadriti Editore, Italy
- Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
- Georgiadis, Nicholas
- Giardelli, Arthur
- Ginsborg, Michael
- Godwin, Judith
- Graham, Brian
- Greaves, Derrick
- Green, Peter
- Groom, Jon
- Godfrey, Ian
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- Havret, Pierre
- Hayter, Stanley William
- Heath, Adrian
- Hedegaard, Peter
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- Hepworth, Barbara
- Hernandez, Secundino
- Hicks-Jenkins, Clive
- Hilton, Roger
- Hodgkin, Howard
- House, Gordon
- Howard-Jones, Ray
- Hoyland, John
- Hsiao, Chin
- Hubbard, John
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- Hurry, Leslie
- Hiscott, Amber
- James, Merlin
- Janecek, Ota
- Janes, Alfred
- Jenkins, Paul
- Johnson, Nerys
- Jones, David
- Jones, Allen
- Jones, Glyn
- Jaray Tess
- Johnson Banks
- Kandinsky, Vasilii
- Kawemitsu, Matsumi
- Keetman, Peter
- Kiki, John
- Kinsela, Robyn
- Kitaj, R.B.
- Klee, Paul
- Konekamp, Frederick
- Koppel, Heinz
- Kraguly, Radovan
- Kneebone, Rachel
- Knight, Chris
- Lanyon, Peter
- Leach-Jones, Alun
- Lewis, Percy Wyndham
- Lin Show Yu, Richard
- Lloyd Jones, Mary
- Long, Richard
- Lowe, Ronald
- Lerat, Jacqueline
- Macfarlane, John
- Malthouse, Eric
- Marks, Margret (Grete)
- Masson, André
- Mattei, Luigi E
- Michaux, Henri
- Miro, Joan
- Monet, Claude
- Moore, Henry
- Moore, Leslie
- Morgan, Glyn
- Morris, Mali
- Mcbean, Angus
- Mori, Junko
- Nash, David
- Nash, Thomas John
- Nicholson, Ben
- Nicol, Philip
- Nolan, Sidney
- National Museum And Gallery, Cardiff
- National Museum Of Wales
- Paolozzi, Eduardo
- Pasmore, Victor
- Periton, Simon
- Phillips, Tom
- Picasso, Pablo
- Piper, John
- Plackman, Carl
- Poole, Monica
- Prendergast, Peter
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
- Richardson-Jones, Keith
- Riley, Bridget
- Robertson, Carol
- Rowan, Eric
- Ravensbourne
- Reid, Colin
- Schoonhoven, Jan
- Scott, William
- Sedgman, Rachel
- Selway, John
- Setch, Terry
- Shapiro, Hermon
- Shurrock, Christopher
- Sinnott, Kevin
- Sironi, Mario
- Slade, Roy
- Smith, Richard
- Steele, Jeffrey
- Stephenson, J. Cecil
- Stephenson, Ian
- Stevens, Anthony
- Stevens, Christopher
- Stuler, Jack
- Sutherland, Graham
- Suttie, Angus
- Tinker, David
- Toynton, Norman
- Tress, David
- Ts Ai Hsia Ling, Ts'AI Hsia-Ling
- Tucker, William
- Tyson, Ian
- Tyzack, Michael
- Tetrad Press, London
- Uzzell-Edwards, John
- Uzzle, Burk
- Vaughan, Keith
- Watkins, Islwyn
- Whiteread, Rachel
- Williams, Lois
- Wood, Alan
- Wood, Keith
- Woodrow, Bill
- Woods, Clare
- Wright, John
- Wynter, Bryan
- Yede, Takahiro
- Zobole, Ernest
- De Waal, Edmund
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Your search returned 1026 results.
© Estate of Peter Lanyon. All Rights Reserved. DACS 2025/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales