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- Contemporary Lithographs Ltd
- Davies, Ogwyn
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- Hanson, Joseph Mellor
- Hay, Marilyn
- Heath, Diana
- Hermes, Gertrude
- Hitchens, Ivon
- Hobbs, Annie Giles
- Hodgkins, Frances
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- Howard-Jones, Ray
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- Huws, Bethan
- Howlett, Steve
- Isaac, Bert
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- Jones, Wynn
- Keetman, Peter
- Kinley, Peter
- Kraguly, Radovan
- Landreau, Jean-Paul
- Lloyd Jones, Mary
- Malthouse, Eric
- Marangoni, Tranquillo
- Markey, Peter
- Matisse, Henri
- Maynard Smith, Ralph
- Milioti, Nicolai
- Mills, Hanae Uechi
- Moore, Henry
- Morris, Cedric
- Mr Wu's Big Ware Factory
- Newsome, Victor
- Pepper, Raphael
- Phillips, Tom
- Piper, John
- Poole, George
- Prendergast, Peter
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
- Roper, Frank
- Royal Doulton Ltd
- Selway, John
- Shrubb, Sandra
- Smith, Laura
- Sutherland, Graham
- Tinker, David
- Tsivin, Vladimir
- Underwood, Leon
- Unknown
- Uzzell Edwards Charley
- Vaughan, Keith
- Walters, Evan
- Willing, Victor
- Woodrow, Sophie
- Yarrow, Catherine
- Zobole, Ernest
Your search returned 214 results.
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Contemporary Lithographs Ltd
© Estate of Ivon Hitchens. All Rights Reserved. DACS 2025/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
© Estate of Graham Sutherland/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales