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- Ince, Joseph Murray
- Innes, James Dickson
- Jackson, Thomas Graham
- John, Augustus
- Jones, Calvert 'RIchard The Rev'
- Jones Griffiths, Philip
- Jones, David
- Jones, Gareth John
- Karlowska, Stanislawa De
- Khanna, Indra
- Knapp-Fisher, John
- Koudelka, Josef
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- List, Herbert
- Loutherbourg, P.J.dE
- Luxford, Elizabeth
- Marks, Claude
- Marks, Margret (Grete)
- May, Walter William
- Mayberry, Edgar James
- Meadows, Daniel
- Medworth, Frank Charles
- Minton, John
- Mitchell, Bernard
- Moore, Henry
- Morgan, Llew. E.
- Murray, William Grant
- Mcbean, Angus
- Mccloy Samuel
- Müller, William James
- Nevinson, C.R.W
- Nicholls, Horace
- Parr, Martin
- Peppercorn, Arthur Douglas
- Piper, John
- Place, Francis
- Pocock, Nicholas
- Poole, Monica
- Power, Mark
- Prendergast, Peter
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Ray Jones, Ray-Jones Tony
- Richards, John Inigo
- Roberts, David
- Roberts, Will
- Salter, Ellis J.
- Sandby, Paul
- Sanguinetti, Alessandra
- Setch, Terry
- Severn, Arthur
- Sinclair, Nicholas
- Sisley, Alfred
- Smith, David
- Smith, John "Warwick"
- Stock, Dennis
- Sutherland, Graham
- Tarr, James C.
- Thompson, Gabriel
- Traherne, Charlotte Louisa
- Urquhart, Murray
- Walker, Dame Ethel
- Walters, Evan
- Ward, Patrick
- Webb, Alex
- Weegee
- Wheatley, Francis
- Whessell, John
- Williams, Charles Frederick
- Williams, Emrys
- Williams, John Kyffin
- Williams, Penry
- Wilson, Steve
- Wilson, Richard (After)
- Yeats, Jack Butler
Your search returned 364 results.
MOORE, Henry
© The Henry Moore Foundation. All Rights Reserved. DACS/ 2025/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
TARR, James C.