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- Bonnor, Rose Dempster
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- Conway, Charles / Thomas, T.H.
- Cook, Barrie
- Corbett, Patrick
- Cort, Hendrik Frans De
- Cotman, John Sell
- Cox, David
- Cox, Richard
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- Crabtree, Jack
- Crawford, Alistair
- Craxton, John
- Cristall, Joshua
- Cruikshank, George
- Cuitt, The Younger George
- Dance, George
- Danckerts, Hendrik
- Davies, Ivor
- Davis, John Scarlett
- Dawson, Rev. George
- Delamotte, William
- Devis, Anthony
- Dobson, Frank
- Draper, Patrick
- Draper, Ken
- Dring, William
- Drury, Paul
- Duncan, Edward
- Dutch, 17Th Century
- Eaton, William
- Edwards, J. Kelt
- Edwards, Joseph
- Edwards, Mary Stella
- Edwards, Pryce Carter
- Edwards, Sydenham T.
- Epstein, Jacob
- Eurich, Richard
- Evans, Merlyn Oliver
- Evans, Powys
- Everitt, Alan E.
- Fabry, Emile
- Farey, Cyril
- Farington, Joseph
- Fernandez, Bartolome
- Fielding, David
- Frame, William
- Francia, Peter De
- Frisson, M
- Frohawk, Frederick William
- Frost, George
- G.D.
- G.S.
- Gainsborough, Thomas
- Gastineau, Henry
- Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
- Gibbs, J
- Gibson, John
- Gilbert, Sir Alfred
- Gilbert, Wally
- Ginner, Charles Isaac
- Goosey, Timothy
- Gotlib, Henryk
- Green, Harriet
- Greene, W.H.
- Griffith, Moses
- Griffiths, Archie Rhys
- Grunspan, Clive
- Guercino, Il (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
- Gutfreund, Otto
- Hagarty, Parker
- Hakewill, James
- Hakewill, John
- Hall
- Hall, Edna Clarke
- Hancock, John
- Harding, J.W.
- Hardwick, W N
- Harper, Edward
- Hawkins, G.
- Haynes-Williams, John
- Heath, Adrian
- Hennell, Thomas
- Herkomer, Sir Hubert Von
- Herman, Josef
- Hermes, Gertrude
- Hoare, Peter Richard
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
- Hodkinson, W. B.
- Hofland, T.C.
- Holland, Harry
- Holland, James
- Howard-Jones, Ray
- Hudson, Tom
- Illingworth
- Illingworth, Leslie
- Jackson, Thomas Graham
- James, Merlin
- Janes, Alfred
- Jenkins, Joseph
- John, Augustus
- John, E.
- John, Gwen
- John, Sir William Goscombe
- Johnson, Nerys
- Jones, Allen
- Jones, Colin
- Jones, David
- Jones, Eliza
- Jones, Glyn
- Jones, Jonah
- Jones, S.C.
- Jones, Stephen
- Jones, Thomas
- Jones, Wynn
- Jordaens, Jakob
- Keate, George
- Keene, Charles
- Kennington, Eric Henri
- Kessell, Mary
- Koppel, Heinz
- Kraguly, Radovan
- Lagana, Eliseo
- Lear, Edward
- Leighton, Frederick
- Lek, Karel
- Lett-Haines, Arthur
- Levy, Mervyn
- Lewis, John Frederick
- Lewis, Edward Morland
- Lindsay, Thomas
- Linnell, John
- Llywelyn Hall, Dan
- Loutherbourg, P.J.dE
- Low, David
- Lowry, L.S
- Luxford, Elizabeth
- Lytton, Neville
- Macfarlane, John
- Malthouse, Eric
- Marinot, Maurice
- Maris, Matthijs
- Marratti, Carlo
- Matthews, Doris
- Mayberry, Edgar James
- Maynard Smith, Ralph
- Meadows, Joseph Kenny
- Meninsky, Bernard
- Middimann, S
- Miles, George Francis
- Minton, John
- Monro, Dr Thomas
- Moon, A.G.TEnnant
- Moore, Jnr. William
- Moore, Leslie
- Morgan, Louisa
- Morris, Cedric
- Morris, William
- Morse Brown, Sam
- Mortimer
- Mumford, Peter
- Munn, P.S.
- Murray, George
- Murray, William Grant
- Mcculloch George
- Mcpherson, Alexander
- Nance, Morton
- Nash, David
- Nelson, Harold Edward Hughes
- Nixon, John
- Organ, Bryan
- Owen, Rev. John
- Owen, William
- Paolozzi, Eduardo
- Pardoe, Thomas
- Parry, John Orlando
- Parry, William
- Pascoe, W
- Pennell, James
- Peploe, Samuel John
- Philipson, Robin, Sir
- Phillips, Tom
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pike, Joseph
- Pissarro, Camille
- Place, Francis
- Poynter, Sir Edward
- Prendergast, Peter
- Price, Isaac Rhys
- Price, James (Attrib.)
- Prout, Samuel
- Puvis De Chavannes, Pierre
- Rathmell, Thomas
- Reed, Edward Tennyson.
- Reynolds, Joshua
- Rhys Price, Isaac
- Richards, Ceri Giraldus
- Richards, Fred
- Rigaud, Stephen
- Roberts, Llwyd
- Roberts, H.
- Roberts, James
- Roberts, William
- Romney, George
- Rooker, Michael Angelo
- Roos, Eva
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rowland Clark, C.R.
- Rowland, J. Caradoc
- Rowland, John Cambrian
- Salmon, John Cuthbert
- Salter, Frederick
- Sandby, Paul
- Sandys, Frederick
- Sargent, Frederick
- Sava
- Schwabe, Randolph
- Segal, Hyman
- Selway, John
- Setch, Terry
- Seymour, James
- Shepherd, Rupert
- Sherriffs, Robert Stewart
- Short, Richard
- Sickert, Walter Richard
- Sironi, Mario
- Skelton, John
- Sochachewsky, Maurice
- Spencer, Stanley
- Sprinck, Léon John
- Staddon, F.G T.G.
- Staniforth, J.M
- Steele, Jeffrey
- Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre
- Stevens, Harold
- Stevens, Alfred
- Stockdale, F.
- Strang, Ian
- Stubbs, Annena
- Sutherland, Graham
- Swan John, R.A
- Swan, John Macallan
- Tarr, James C.
- Thomas, Edgar Herbert
- Thomas, Hubert
- Thomas, Illtyd Treharne
- Thomas, James Havard
- Thomas, Thomas Henry
- Thompson, Gabriel
- Tilbury, Henry
- Tomkins, C.
- Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri De
- Traherne, Margaret
- Tucker, William
- Tudor, Thomas
- Tunnicliffe, Charles F
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William (Manner Of)
- Turton, W
- Uglow, Euan
- Underwood, Leon
- Varley, Cornelius
- Vaughan, E.M. Bruoe
- Velde, Adre Van De
- Wade, A. E.
- Walker, J.C.
- Walters, Evan
- Ward, Edward Matthew
- Ward, James
- Williams, Christopher
- Williams, Grenville "Gren"
- Williams, John Kyffin
- Williams, Penry
- Wilson, Richard
- Woodford, David
- Wynne, Rev. Luttrell
- Zadkine, Ossip
- Zobole, Ernest
- Du Maurier, G.L.P.B.
- Plessis, Du H.E.
Your search returned 2903 results.
DAWSON, Rev. George
DAWSON, Rev. George
DAWSON, Rev. George
DAWSON, Rev. George
DAWSON, Rev. George
Page of 146